We are not waiting. We believe that we can achieve a transition to renewable energy for our entire energy consumption before the catastrophe hits us. It requires action today, not only for the sake of the environment, not only to ensure a clean and safe world for our children and grandchildren, but because renewable energy is the secure hand in our future.
Wind Estate is one of the first energy companies in Denmark to only supply electricity from wind turbines.
Energy efficient head office
Sustainability is our mantra. Our goal is to become a completely fossil-free company. Our headquarters are naturally built with this in mind. The building meets the strictest environmental and energy standards and became the first sustainable industrial building in the Randers municipality.
The building features triple-glazed low-energy windows throughout, along with intelligent control of electricity consumption and ventilation. Offices, warehouses, and workshops have such low heat emissions that we are exempt from using natural gas. We meet all our heating and hot water needs with an energy-efficient geothermal heating system powered by electricity. We have no need for additional heating of any kind. Furthermore, the system provides ample cooling during the warmer months of the year.
To achieve the goal of being a 100% fossil-free company, Wind Estate has installed solar panels on the roof of the building. The solar panels meet our electricity needs during sunny periods. In this regard, we are exploring options to supplement the solar panels with a battery that can cover the company’s needs during less sunny periods.
Social responsibility, Inclusion and diversity
Our approach to social responsibility and sustainability includes inclusion and diversity as central elements. We have an inclusive working environment where everyone has equal opportunities, as we believe it fosters a richer and more creative organization.
We believe that the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are a shared agenda that calls on all of us to work together to address the world’s most pressing challenges and create a fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive future for all. These goals serve as a guide for action and have become a central reference in efforts to improve global conditions. Wind Estate has a sustainable and ethical business practice that not only benefits us but also contributes to addressing global challenges such as climate change and environmental degradation. We have a role to play in achieving a more sustainable future for all.